Connecting with the community in a way only a local financial institution can.

At Aspen FCU, we pride ourselves on being good citizens of our communities and for being an active part of these communities we serve. Through our community involvement efforts, we provide charitable donations to local, non-profit organizations that serve, enrich, and strengthen the lives of our members.

The influential organizations we support are:

Youth and Family Services

Children’s Miracle Network

American Cancer Society

Love Inc.

Meals on Wheels of Western South Dakota


Susan B Komen Foundation

Abbott House

And more…


If you have an organization that would like to apply for our community involvement funding, please click on this link and complete our application.


Apply Now


Thinking Big and Dreaming Bigger: Aspen Federal Credit Union

Written by Jeff Pflipsen

A new main office for a credit union is more than just a building. It’s a trusted destination for members seeking advice and support on life’s big decisions. It’s home base for a brand and its many employees. And for Aspen Federal Credit Union, it was an opportunity to think big, dream bigger and create something truly their own. This is the story of how Aspen FCU’s new main office came to be.

A Time for Change

Aspen FCU Federal Credit Union knew something needed to give. Their main office in Rapid City, South Dakota was no longer meeting their needs. And in some ways, it was holding them back. When Pam Brown-Graff, Aspen FCU’s President, decided it was time for change, she was already familiar with HTG Architects. Knowing our firm’s reputation, experience and values helped Pam decide to partner with HTG.

“It became obvious to me that the commitment that Jeff brought on behalf of HTG, meant way more than me going out and trying to show this new building. I knew he brought the kind of relationship I wanted for a project this big.”

It was at these earliest stages of the project that Pam’s intricate knowledge and expertise of her credit union was a perfect pairing for HTG’s approach to financial architecture.

“Going in, I didn’t have the language for credit union design and architecture. Everything in and around how a credit union functions and operates, of course. But HTG found a way to make sure I felt comfortable and capable of communicating my vision."

"I took a trip to Minneapolis and spent the day with Jeff touring tons of banks and credit unions HTG had designed, which gave me a feel for what institutions in the city were doing. And I got to see examples of co-branding in action, which was something I knew I wanted. At each location, I was able to see what I did and didn’t like and communicate it with HTG.”

Feeling Stuck

“There were moments, especially early on, where I felt stuck in my decision-making. And every time, the team at HTG was there to help me through it. Not to tell me what to choose, but to present the information they had to help me make a choice.”

One of those decisions was whether the project would be a remodel of Aspen FCU’s existing building or new construction—with a new location and everything that comes with it. With aSite Selection Study, we helped Pam weigh the costs and benefits of the options before her, and once she decided new construction was the way to go, it was full steam ahead.

“During the InVision process, it’s so obvious that HTG is working to make everything I wanted a reality. I mean, they do such a good job at providing justification for the things I wanted, the things the board wanted. They really commit to making it happen.“

The Lost Art of Listening

At HTG Architects, we listen. In fact, listening is one of the five core values upon which our firm is supported. When it comes to client relationships, new and old, we place a premium on keeping our ears and eyes open to what our clients have to say.

“My ideas and aspirations for this building were all over the board, but HTG listened to my every word. And I have to laugh now because that first rendering, they shared with me was pretty much spot on. Not only did they find a way to integrate everything I wanted, but they also expanded on my vision.”

Making Co-Branding a Reality

“Having our credit union co-brand with a coffee shop was an idea I’ve had in the back of my mind for a long time. And it was when we took on this project that I saw the opportunity, I thought, we’ve got to go for it.”

Among the financial institutions we toured alongside Pam in Minneapolis, there were plenty of successful examples of co-branding. But what Pam had in mind was different from anything we’d ever attempted.

“I always feel the drive and desire to give back to my community and make charitable contributions, and I saw this project as the perfect opportunity to make charity work part of the vision for this building.”

At the time, we didn’t know if it could be done—co-branding a not-for-profit coffee shop within a credit union—as far as we know, it had never been done before. Still, the one thing we couldn’t find was something saying it couldn’t be done. In order to make it happen, Pam spent time working with the regulators to get the right approvals.



On the upper level of the building, among the corporate offices, a board room, break room and rooftop patio, you’ll find the second co-branded space—currently home to a law firm.

The shared approach made possible via co-branding provides near-endless opportunities for non-member traffic to visit and get to know Aspen FCU. Ongoing non-member traffic becomes more important for brand awareness, especially as lobby transactions continue to decline, industry wide.

Making Partners Out of Members

Something that was important to Aspen FCU was having the ability to work with local contractors on this project.

“Aspen FCU has multiple local contractors who are also members, and HTG was extremely open to us wanting to include them in the bidding process. It meant a lot to us to have the drywallers, painters and other tradespeople we have existing relationships with have the opportunity to be a part of this project.

Looking back, I would say HTG went above and beyond what other architects would do to include these people who are so near and dear to us.”

Supporting the Member Experience

“The member experience we provide is something we’re really proud of. To see our members walking in that first time, grabbing a cup of coffee and taking in this trendy, nontraditional experience is unlike anything else. From the separate drive-ups for the coffee shop and credit union to custom-designed concierge stations, it’s a credit union experience unlike any other.

It smells amazing, it looks amazing and it provides an atmosphere of comfort where members can get their financial needs met.”

Community Members Welcome, Too

One thing that was important for Aspen FCU’s new building was that it was a welcoming place for the entire community, not just members. The population of Rapid City, SD is over 77,000 and growing. There was intent from the very beginning that the greater community would see Aspen FCU’s new building as a destination and a resource.

“We have doctors, nurses and businesspeople who come in to hold their weekly meetings. We have groups who hold book clubs, sewing clubs and more in the space. It’s taken off even more than we thought it would, and it is just wonderful to see all these groups of people having their cup of coffee and just experiencing community.”

Pushing Limits and Planning for the Future

“Partnering with HTG on this building gave us the support we needed to push the boundaries a little bit. Their expertise in the financial industry gave us the knowledge and the bit of courage we needed to feel confident in pushing the envelope.

And now, looking back on what we’ve done and knowing what we’ve created, I’m beyond thankful we went big.”

Thank you, Pam! We appreciate your partnership and your willingness to share your experiences.

Published on October 28, 2020

Original source: FCU-credit-union